Solutions Engineering Financial Management Systems Human Resources Management
Supply Chain Management Customer Relationship Management Systems Optimization


Organizations often find expensive applications that have been procured and implemented to be under-utilized. Before Primus embarks on a process of prosing new tools and products, it does a needs analysis. We have often found that our clients have the tool sets that they need. Either problematic implementations or a failure of integration have allowed procured products to be under-performing. Or the client simply needs a bolt on or customized enhancement that will enable existing tools to be more efficiently and effectively used.

We understand the promises that technology offers are and not easily implementable. Organizations often tire of the constant bugs and service failures. At best these problems are a worrisome distraction. At worst they hurt an organizations mission critical operations. Organizations can also become jaded at the failure of technology to deliver on promises.

However, it is critical for companies to constantly be innovative, use new tools and deliver better service to its clients and employees. This has to be done with an eye to costs. Through optimizations and enhancements, Primus has been able to deliver to organizations the tools needed for success, at a cost that is affordable.


  • Better utilization of existing technologies
  • Lower costs
  • Maintenance of competitive advantage
  • No disruption of mission critical operations
  • Being able to keep tried and tested business processes and practices intact

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